Ice seals (bearded, ringed, spotted, and ribbon) are important subsistence resources for communities in western and northern Alaska.
The Ice Seal Committee was established to help preserve and enhance ice seal habitat; protect and enhance Alaska Native culture, traditions-particularly activities associated with the subsistence use of ice seals; and to disseminate timely and reliable information about ice seals through research and outreach activities
"It is important to take what you can, when you can, so long as it is
done respectfully and without waste. Sharing with elders and others
who cannot hunt is important."
- anonymous hunter from Scammon Bay
Population Monitoring
Habitat, Movements, and Behavior
Marine Mammal Strandings
Indigenous Knowledge
Alaska Department of Fish & Game - Arctic Marine Mammal Program
University of British Columbia - Statistical Ecology Research Group

If you have an observation on ice seals, their habitat, or environmental conditions, or anything else noteworthy (e.g., health, strandings, freeze-up, thaw, ice or weather conditions, etc.) to share, please fill out this form to submit your information. This will help the Ice Seal Committee gain a better understanding of ice seals throughout their range in Alaska, and can alert us to unusual sightings and observations. Note, all personal info is optional, and all information will be kept confidential.
Quyanaq! Quyanna! Thank you!